C Coding Questions asked in TCS Coding Round

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  1. is same questions are coming in tcs coding. These seems to be easy in Tcs recruitment. Are only these coding questions coming??

    1. Ya ques was easy but it contains a few small logic such as prime within range(instead of prime), prime sum ,sum of odd within range , square-root of prime etc..
      This section was to check your coding skills only.

    2. Thank you. You are doing a great job . If you provide some more questions of C mcq asking in tcs drive. Then it will be very helpful for me and my friends. As we have drive of Tcs next month...

  2. try to update more coding question appeared in tcs drives
    and my question is can we expect such type of codes in tcs drive or string/file manipulating questions also!!

    1. Till now , these are the only questions which were asked but you can expect some different questions also because on the last recruitment test some of the questions and pattern were changed. So also focus on every major examples and chapters.

  3. in my campus drive held at lucknow coding question was input:helloworld
    output:held(first 2 and second 2)
    string should in range of 5-20 only
    programing was all based on pointers
    and aptitude from campusgate basics and some tricky from nowhere

  4. and no command line arguments scanf was said to use.
