Here I am sharing you all some of the Questions, which were asked from mechanical students in their HR and Technical round. As far as I know due to mechanical stream , they asked very few questions from C programming or other languages. They were checking whether our basic Concept is clear or not.
Some of the Questions asked are as follow:
Some of the Questions asked are as follow:
- Introduce yourself
- Why don't you join your fathers business.
- Do you know C programming?
- What are your subject of interest.
- Have you visited any power plant?
- How coal is used in power plant?
- How the power plant works?
- What is quality control?
They ask many basics of our departmental paper
* IC engine *
- What is the basic difference between the Rocket and Aeroplane with respect to air and vacuum.
- What is the difference Between 2 stroke and 4 stroke engine
- diff. Between Otto cycle and diesel cycle
- What is Bernauli's theorem.
- How pump increases pressure to raise water to some height.
These are the question which were asked in our Interview Round. I think it will help many people with core department like Mechanical to crack Interview round.
This Interview Experience was shared by Manish Roy and Abhishek Kumar . If you like SimpleWay2Code and would like to contribute, you can also write an article and mail your article to . See your article appearing on the SimpleWay2Code main page and help others.