Jawaharlal Nehru College of Engineering, Aurangabad
Hello Everyone..
Jawaharlal Nehru College of Engineering, Aurangabad
Hello Everyone..
This is to share with you the experience of TCS Interview which was held on 28th December 2017. There were a total of 4 panels comprising of 3 interviewers(1 mam and 2 sir) in each panel. My experience goes like-
(I went inside)
Me : Hello Everyone !
Mam : Hello, so tell me something about yourself.
Me : (Started with education) Graduation, HSC ...
Mam : Thats all mentioned in your resume. Tell us something thats not there.
Me : Told about my family , hobbies, strengths and weaknesses.
Sir : Why you discontinued sports in 12th?? (As I used to play sports till 10th)
Me : Told.
Mam : If we ask you to go to Delhi then will you ?
Me : Yes.
Mam : If you want to go and your family is not allowing then how will you convince ?
Me : Told.
Mam : Have you used joins in your projects ?
Me : Yes, nothing can work without it.
Mam : Which join?
Me : inner Join mostly.
Mam : Tell me about right and left join ?(She gave me two tables and asked me to write query and explain the output)
Me : Told and explained correctly, but they were checking the confidence by asking again and again that am I sure.(Stay confident and stick to your words)
Sir : Do you have interest in Data Structures?
Me : Yes, but not that deep.
Sir : Why ? you had that subject in your curriculum.
Me : Yes, I had it but then I havent implemented some concepts of DS.
Sir : Which concepts ?
Me : Trees, Hashmaps, Graphs. (I mentioned hashmaps and graphs because they asked the implementation of it to the previous student and I was not prepared for it)
Sir : Do u know Linked List ?
Me : Yes, Told the concept of all the three linked lists.
Sir : What is stack and queue ?
Me : Told.
Sir : Write down the program for operations on stack and queue both.
Me : I knew the concept, so I asked them shall I write down the pseudo code and explain it to you verbally.
Sir : Yes, go ahead.
Me : Explained (In between they asked questions like what will stack full and empty condition and queue full and empty condition)
Sir : Think of the real time example of stack and queue ?
Me : Told.
The 2nd sir in the panel just observes you.
The people in panel are very friendly and they make you feel comfortable. So , dont panic and have faith within you and your knowledge. Be confident !
The next day results were out and I was one among the selected candidates :)
This Interview Experience is shared by MAYURI RATHI . If you like SimpleWay2Code and would like to contribute, you can also write an article and mail your article to . See your article appearing on the SimpleWay2Code main page and help others.
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